Greg Evans
Jul 05, 2017

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Whether you are open about them or not, everyone has sexual fetishes.
Sex toys, domination, roleplay; you name it and there is guaranteed to be something for everyone's tastes.
To gain a greater understanding of the amount of people that find specific things appealing, blogger Aella Girl has conducted a thorough survey on the subject.
The intriguing results are illustrated in the graph below.
2044 people took part in the research (527 female, 1456 male and 61 other), responding to questions on/r/samplesize and at Allea Girl'sTwitterand Tumblr pages.
As you can see, alternate sexual positions to the missionary position was easily the most popular fetish across demographics, with light bondage just behind.
The most popular fetishes that leaned towards one gender saw men favouring female use of sex toys and women favouring female submission.
At the other end of the chart you'll find the more taboo fetishes including creepy crawlies, plus deeply troubling and highly illegal subjects such as necrophilia, bestiality and paedophilia.
Perhaps it's due to the large number of men that took part, but it's interesting to see the wide range of categories attributed to males, while only nine were more favoured by women.
If you are a little more coy about what gets you going in the bedroom, Allea Girl is currently conducting another survey about romantic relationships.
HT reddit
More: These are the 10 most popular sexual fetishes in the UK
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