
This hi-tech cuddly toy might be Google's creepiest idea yet

This hi-tech cuddly toy might be Google's creepiest idea yet

The minds behind the world’s most powerful search engine may have come up with a hi-tech cuddly toy.

A Google patent application published on Friday describes “an anthropomorphic device, perhaps in the form factor of a doll or toy, [which] may be configured to control one or more media devices”.

(Picture: US Patent and Trademark Office)

Proposed by Google engineers Richard DeVaul and Daniel Aminzade, the US patent outlines a teddy bear-shaped device which will sit in users’ homes, interact with them and get to know their tastes. The doll will switch on the TV when asked, tell the weather forecast and get to know people’s preferences.

In theory, Google’s teddy bear could control computers, lights, fridges and CD players through verbal commands – potentially doing away with remote controls.

Using cameras, it would check the person is making eye contact with it, according to reports. It would be able to speak back and alter its facial expression. The patent suggests families could have several of the toys, in different parts of the home.

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