Darren Richman
Jul 21, 2019

In a recent Twitter tirade, the President suggested that four female House Democrats not born in America should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”.
For obvious reasons, mainly the racist subtext of the tweets, the comments have drawn criticism from around the globe and Donald Trump has once again found himself at the centre of a racism row.
of the four congresswomen he wants to 'go back', only one of them, Ilhan Omar, wasn't born in the US, and even she is officially a US citizien. The three other congresswoman - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tliab are all very much from the US being born in the Bronx, Cincinnati, and Detroit, respectively.
Now in an interview with MSNBC broadcast on Saturday, former White House Adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman has had her say.
Having worked with Trump and appeared on the first season of The Apprentice, before becoming assistant to the president and director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison in 2017. Newman resigned from the position the same year just shy off being in the position for 12 months.
Given her close proximity to the president, both before and after he took office, perhaps Omarosa could explain the President’s comments and reveal that he has a softer, gentler side that we’re all missing? Nah. Her exact words were that he is a “clear and present danger to our democracy” before adding:
Everyone has been kind of tiptoeing what this actually is. Donald Trump wants to start a race war in this country and it started at that rally, it started with the tweets.
His former colleague concluded her analysis by suggesting the chants at the rallies are choreographed and that Trump has become a “dictator”. She said:
“There are section leaders who help to start the chants — so it was intentional and we know they did it so they would start the chants so he could test it.”
Friends like these, eh.
More: AOC destroys Trump in response to racist tirade: 'We don't fear you'
More: People who have been told to 'go home' share their experiences with Trump’s racist phrase
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