Sophia Ankel
Mar 03, 2019
Donald Trump must have been feeling the stress after another blistering week, when he claimed that his opponents are trying to take him out with “bull***t” during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday.
In a two-hour long rant that covered everything from fake news to climate change, the president focused mainly on taking shots at the Russia probe.
No wonder, though – special counsel Robert Mueller is expected to submit his extensive investigation into Russian meddling any time soon and the president is getting nervous. AKA s*** is getting real.
In the longest speech of his presidency, Trump launched into a tirade about everything that led to the long-awaited investigation, mocking both former FBI director James Comey and former attorney general Jeff sessions (the latter, by impersonating his southern accent).
He expressed his regret over hiring his ex-confidantes, saying:
Unfortunately, you put the wrong people in a couple of positions and they leave people for a long time that shouldn’t be there and all of a sudden they are trying to take you out with bullshit, okay.
Speaking about the Mueller report specifically, Trump said:
We’re waiting for a report by people who weren’t elected.
While some appeared shocked about how the president was behaving himself, most people online had to point out the irony in the president's BS comments – it was Trump, who has, after all, made 8,718 misleading or false claims since taking office two years ago, according to the Washington Post.
Oh, the irony!
Trump's speech comes days after his former lawyer Michael Cohen called him a "con-man" and "racist" in congressional testimony and also in the same week as a national embarrassment in North Korea .
Seems like the Donald is having a really rough day/week in the office.
HT Huffington Post
More: Trump's latest Instagram posts flooded with Chileans calling him a 'piss head'

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