Narjas Zatat
Oct 10, 2016

Picture: Gerardo Mora/Getty
As the dust clears from the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, one question remains on everybody’s lips:
Who won?
A straw poll run by The Drudge Report, immediately after the 90 minute debate, claimed 92 per cent of voters agreed that Trump won the election.
Which seems odd, given his performance.
This is the same candidate who, in the same breath ,apologised for his sexist comments, brushed it under the carpet and then invoked ISIS?
I'm very embarrassed by it, I hate it, but it's locker room talk. It's one of those things. I will knock the hell out of ISIS.
That man? Surely not.
According to The Daily Caller, people on Twitter declared Trump the "clear winner".
Ah. There’s the flaw in that plan.
Straw polls on the internet are unreliable: people can vote with a simple click, and they can do so multiple times.
Other straw poll results from the internet:
- Half of people polled still believe that Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain.
Global warming is natural, rather than man - made.
Tupac Shakur is still alive.
Also, both ‘Bush did 9/11’ and 'Harambe is still alive' are topics of discussion still very much kicking about online.
YouGov and CNN (whose questions and results go through a process of ‘weighing’ in which the respondents are compared to Census Bureau figures to ensure the results are an accurate representation of the population)crowned Hillary Clinton the winner in post – debate polls.
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