Joanna Taylor
Oct 05, 2020

The White House via Getty Images
An unofficial White House gift shop is selling $100 commemorative coins to mark Trump's defeat of coronavirus.
The president is currently in hospital with the illness which has so far killed more than 200,000 Americans.
The coin which, along with its retailer, is not officially associated with Trump or his administration, begins shipping four days after the US election. It is part of the shop's "historic moments of president Trump" series, which also includes coins honouring his "genius level thinking and proven successes" and diplomatic relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.
The coin will be sold by Anthony Giannini, who likened Trump to a "superhero" when announcing his new design, and predicted that his legacy will last thousands of years like that of one of the earliest surviving works of literature.
Design is suggestive of superhero graphic art because POTUS 45 has created a never before seen presidential mythos.Â
I predict, ages hence, myths will abound of President Donald J. Trump, akin to the Epic of Gilgamesh.Â
According to The White House Gift Shop website, collectible coins like these are popular.
A previous instalment bearing the names of the 'Covid-19 taskforce', including Trump, Pence and Dr Fauci, is marked as 'sold out'.
People think the coin is on sale a little prematurely.
Trump has not yet beaten coronavirus and is still in hospital. Cases are also on the rise.
With the hefty price tag of $100 each, the coin and its premature marketing seem a little opportunistic, to say the least.
Regardless, hopefully coronavirus will be defeated soon. That will certainly be something worth celebrating.
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