
Parents share horror at 'whites-only' advert for mum and baby group

Parents share horror at 'whites-only' advert for mum and baby group

Parents share horror at 'whites-only' advert for mum and baby group

@Nantanreikan /Twitter/X

An advertisement that appeared at a bus stop in Port Coquitlam, Canada, has sparked outrage over its racist and offensive message.

A photo of the flyer was shared in a tweet by user @Nantanreikan and now has over 6.5 million views due to its horrifying advertisement of a "whites-only moms & tots" group.

"Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them?" The poster reads. "Are they tired of being a minority in their schools or daycares? Escape forced 'diversity' and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere in which our kids can feel like they belong. invest in your child's sense of well being and racial identity by giving them the gift of time spent amongst their own people - because they deserve it."

The poster was slammed for its racist message and it being displayed at a location frequented by school kids.

After it gained attention on social media, the city of Port Coquitlam released a statement saying they "condemn" the "hate-motivated poster", going on to call it "vile garbage".

They also shared that "Bylaw officers immediately searched the area to remove the poster" but believed it had already been removed by a member of the community.

Many users left comments in disbelief at the poster's message:

"What decade are we in?" Asked one user.

Others called it "totally wrong":

More criticism ensued as the post gained more traction:

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