
Liz Truss takes her strange speeches Stateside and discusses shower heads in Milwaukee

Liz Truss takes her strange speeches Stateside and discusses shower heads in Milwaukee

Liz Truss discusses shower heads at a breakfast event of the Republican Natiional Convention


It was a decade ago that former Prime Minister Liz Truss bragged about pork markets and slammed the “disgrace” that was the state of British cheese exports, and now she’s offered up another bizarre speech for the history books by discussing shower heads at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee.

It’s just one part of a truly wild July for the politician, who has already been mocked for her selfie outside a polling station, lost her South West Norfolk constituency seat to Labour and had her mini-budget slagged off as a “disaster” in government documents on the King’s Speech.

Now she’s attended the RNC in support of Trump, a week after the presidential candidate survived an assassination attempt.

In a bid to woo over the American people, Truss told the audience: “I have to confess, I’ve never been to Pennsylvania, but I do have, in my possession, a Liberty Bell shower head, which is an exact replica of the shower head that President Reagan has in his ranch in California, which I recently visited.

“I will be proudly installing this shower head, as a symbol of liberty and democracy and of course, Pennsylvania.

“You all know why you’re so important, which is: this is a crucial state in order for President Trump to be reinstalled in the White House.”

And the unusual anecdote has obviously sparked parodies and ridicule online, including the odd lettuce mention:

Truss has long expressed her wish to see Trump elected US president once again come November, writing in the Wall Street Journal in April that a win for the convicted felon would “provide much-needed leadership to the Western world”.

Entertaining the conspiracy theory that the “deep state” was responsible for her claiming the title of the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister, she wrote: “The administrative state undermined Mr Trump’s first term and undermined my tenure as Britain’s prime minister, forcing me out of office after 49 days.

“The opaque British bureaucratic state undermined my proposed reforms and their American equivalents will have Mr Trump in their sights if he is victorious in November. The deep state will attempt to undercut him even more than it did in his first term.”

As for the Liberty Bell, the real bell is a symbol of American independence located in Philadelphia with a distinctive crack on one side.

It's not clear whether the shower head has the same crack in it, as that probably wouldn't make it very efficient.

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