Science & Tech

'Wall of death' workout will keep astronauts fit on the moon

'Wall of death' workout will keep astronauts fit on the moon
Scientists Might Finally Know What’s Going on in the Moon’s Core
ZMG - Amaze Lab / VideoElephant

How do you keep fit in outer space? Pilates in zero gravity? Moonwalking, perhaps? According to new research, the answer is by exercising on a ‘wall of death’.

It might sound strange, but it could provide the answer to one of the biggest problems of space travel.

Due to the reduction in gravity compared to on Earth, astronauts on the moon face muscle issues as they’re bearing 83 per cent less weight.

As a result, there’s a much higher risk of fitness issues as muscles begin to atrophy and individuals face osteoporosis-like conditions.

However, experts at the University of Milan believe they may have come up with a solution.

A 'wall of death' like the type used in the researchiStock

The team behind new research replicated gravity on the moon by tying people bungee cords before making them run round a ‘wall of death’.

The ‘wall of death’ used in the study was borrowed from an amusement park and is normally used by people on motorbikes to perform daring stunts.

While gravity on Earth is too great for people to run around such contraptions, lunar gravity makes it possible for people to complete a number of laps without sliding off the walls.

"We were very surprised," Professor Minetti told Sky News. Minetti worked on the research along with Francesco Luciano, Valentina Natalucci and Gaspare Pavei.

He went on to say that the exercise would be enough to keep astronauts fit and healthy if they did it "just twice a day, for three or four laps".

"In theory, there would be no extra electricity, no extra space and it would not interfere too much with the work of the astronauts and the other activities," Minetti said, speaking about the practical implications for future space explorations.

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