
SNL takes viewers inside the 'GOP locker room' following Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation

SNL takes viewers inside the 'GOP locker room' following Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation

On Saturday, judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, amid controversy surrounding a string of sexual assault allegations against him, which he denies.

This comes just a day after The Daily Beast reported that Republican senators were fist bumping each other after it became obvious that Kavanaugh had achieved enough votes to attain the prestigious position.

In response, Saturday Night Live offered their own unique and satirical take on Kavanaugh's appointment and the 'frat boy atmosphere' that has become associated with Kavanaugh and his supporters.

For the cold open of the show, viewers were taken inside the GOP locker room where the likes of 'Mitch McConnell' and 'Lindsey Graham' were partying like there was no tomorrow.

Such was the darkness of the comedy in this section that we are almost reluctant to call them 'highlights' but Kate McKinnon's portrayal as Lindsey Graham captured the mood of the piece and many who oppose Kavanaugh's ascension with this line:

We made a lot of women real worried today but I’m not getting pregnant, so I don’t care!

Susan Collins, played by Cecily Strong, also dropped by and offered these words of wisdom.

Listen, I think it’s important to believe women until it’s time to stop.

There was also a perspective from the Democratic camp, where a disappointed Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat) offered his thoughts and acted as if his side and just lost another football game.

He said:

Well, the Dems lost another one. We thought this time would be better than the Anita Hill hearing because Dr. Ford was white, but turned out Brett Kavanaugh was white too and we were completely blindsided by that.

The one Democrat that voted in favour of Kavanaugh, Joe Manchin, also made an appearance and seemed to embody the same 'bro' mentality as the Republicans.

Watch the entire segment in the video below:

HT The Daily Beast

More: ‘F**k Kavanaugh’ lipstick is raising money for anti-sexual assault groups​

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