Evan Bartlett
Oct 04, 2015
England's rugby union stars promised so much and delivered so very, very little.
After a thumping defeat at the hands of Australia on Saturday night, the nation's rugby fans were left wondering where it all went wrong.
Many will question the decisions over selection: Should Farrell have played ahead of Ford? Should Burgess have been given another go at centre? Was the decision not to pick the likes of Steffon Armitage in the squad a crucial error?
The questions are many. The answers are few. But the anger is quite clear. Especially, we imagine, for Daily Mail reader Jessica, who has called on the tournament to be cancelled, laid into the X Factor and demanded that Britain leave the EU.
Why should we continue to pay for and support a tournament that we're no longer in. We should shut the whole thing down immediately and if these nations want their so-called World Cup let them have it elsewhere.
This is no different from the anti-English bias at the Eurovision Song Contest. Now they even let Italians and their sort on the X Factor. Time to quit the EU FOR EVER.
The comment was left under a Mailarticle following England's defeat to Wales last weekend, but Jessica, unlike so many other fans, clearly foresaw England's premature exit.
More: This is how much money the country will lose if England are kicked out of the Rugby World Cup
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