
Gen Z woman who went on date with 35-year-old calls him a 'bad texter' for innocent reply

Gen Z woman who went on date with 35-year-old calls him a 'bad texter' for innocent reply

Eight years is a long time – especially, it seems, when it comes to age differences and dating.

A gen Z woman, aged 27, has divided opinion online after sharing her experiences of going on a date with a 35-year-old.

The woman, whose name is Elizabeth Castaldi, often posts about dating and generation gaps – and she was left not knowing where she stood after receiving a text from the man after meeting up for the first time.

The video, which has racked up more than 740,000 views, saw Castaldi post a screenshot of a message she received after going on a date.


I have to start dating people my own age (but i wont) #dating #datingoldermen #badtexter

“Hey, had fun last night. Have a good day,” the video caption read.

Castaldi was clearly left baffled by the message, which she believed didn’t show any enthusiasm. However, others in the comments section thought the text was a perfectly normal one to send.

When asked what the problem with the message was, she said: “It lacks any sense of enthusiasm, urgency, or intimacy. He could have written that to someone at work about a work function.”

Clarifying her thoughts in the comments, Castaldi said that it hadn’t given her the “ick”, but she was just taken aback by the millennial texting style. She also wasn’s sure whether or not the man wanted to go on another date.

“Let’s be clear, I do not have the ick. I just can’t read him and I really, really want to go on a second date,” she said.

One viewer commented by saying “Hear me out. Maybe… he had a good time, and wants you to have a good day?”

Castaldi replied: “Yeah for sure! Now I just wait until he asks to see me again?”

“‘have a good day.’ is crazy,” another said, to which Castaldi replied: “Riiiiiight.”

Another, more hopeful, viewer said: “no because that means he’s in love with you.”

“Bahahahaha yes girl math your right babe,” Castaldi replied.

A man offered his thoughts in the comments, and clearly believed Castaldi was being unfair, saying: “I just think it’s ridiculous that we’re sitting here [criticizing] this simple yet nice text. Would you prefer exclamation points and emojis? Like they’re grown adults.”

It comes as research is showing people are feeling burnout out from using dating apps, with a new survey shows how 79 per cent of Gen Z feeling fatigued from them.

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