Joe Biden criticised for Valentine's meme amid Rafah attack palestinejoe bidenvalentine's dayvalentinesgenociderafahisraelpalestineFeb 15, 2024
Alex Consani becomes first transgender woman to win Model Of The Year lgbt+alex consanivictoria's secretmodelfashionlifestylelgbt+31m1733224669
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Social media users 'fix' new Jaguar car ad after divisive rebrand jaguarbrandjaguar admarketingsocial mediatwitterxjaguar29m
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Peanut the squirrel's owners are suing New York for 'executing' pet peanut the squirrellawsuitnew yorkpeanut the squirrelNov 28, 2024
$490 million cocaine haul seized by police after boat breaks down cocainedrugsaustraliaqueenslandcocaine48m
1,000 endangered animals returned to Madagascar after trafficking raid endangered speciestraffickingwildlifemadagascarlemursendangeredendangered species2h
Belgian sex workers to get maternity leave and pensions under new law sex workersbelgiumsex workers20h