
This video of a record-breaking astronaut coming home is so adorable even NASA is obsessed

Earlier this month astronaut Christina Koch broke a world record after spending 328 days in space, the longest spaceflight by a woman in history.

You don't need us to tell you but that is a really long time to be in space and although she will have been able stayed in touch with her friends and family while she was in orbit, it's not the same for pets.

That's why after she returned to Earth on 6 February and headed home, her dog, named LBD (short for Little Brown Dog) was absolutely overjoyed to see her.

Koch shared a video of the moment on Twitter with the caption:

Not sure who was more excited. Glad she remembers me after a year.

Isn't that just about the most adorable thing you've ever seen?

Yes, it is and Twitter agreed.

Even NASA sent her a wholesome tweet.

HT Time

More: Astronaut reveals what space smells like. It isn't good​

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