
In celebration of world cat day, here are the best cats on the internet

It's world cat day, apparently, so it would be rude not to give you the definitive rundown of the best cats on the internet.


Tara the hero catTara rose to fame earlier this year after saving a child from a dog.



All cats have an innate fascination with boxes, but Maru really loves them. Or at least her human does.


Grumpy Cat (Tardar Sauce)

It all started with this video. Since then the cat officially known as Tardar Sauce, who suffers from feline dwarfism, has amassed more than 5million likes on Facebook, featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal and secured a multi-million dollar movie and merchandising deal. Why so serious?



Looks like a cartoon, somehow still a real cat.


Lil Bub

Lil Bub might well be the weirdest cat on the internet. Can't fault her originality though. You can follow more of her exploits on Twitter.


Colonel Meow

If Lil Bub is the weirdest cat on the internet, Colonel Meow was arguably its funniest. Sadly the Colonel, who referred to his owners as Human Slave Beasts and followers as Minions, passed away earlier this year.


Ninja Cat (Moacrie)

Moacrie is a world champion at What's The Time, Mr Wolf?


Hamilton the Hipster cat

Seriously handsome Hamilton is a rescue cat taken in (supposedly) on Independence Day in the US. If it had somehow escaped your attention, he has an amazing moustache.


Brother Cream

Tsim Tung Brother Cream to give him his full name is what you would term a 'big deal', in Hong Kong at least. A resident of a convenience store in Kowloon, his online popularity was such that he was allegedly kidnapped in 2012, with fans launching an offline and online campaign that led to his safe return a month later. His reappearance made front page news in Hong Kong.

(Picture: Facebook)



The world knows her by another name - the surprised cat.



Sometimes Socks or Mr Socks, always Jason Scott's cat to his 1.3million followers.


Henri (le chat noir)

Henri is the world's first and foremost feline philosopher.

Kittens dream at one week, have nightmares at two weeks, and at three weeks have a vague uneasy sense that their lives may have no meaning.


Keyboard cat

It would have been rude not to.

More: look at this baby chimp

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