
New photo of 'baby Bigfoot' claimed to be '99.9 per cent believable'

New photo of 'baby Bigfoot' claimed to be '99.9 per cent believable'
The Mystery of Bigfoot Explained
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Commentators have claimed that a new photo of a 'baby Bigfoot' posted on Facebook is "99.9 per cent believable".

Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a large and hairy human-like creature which some believe to inhabit forests in North America.

A photo posted by Stephanie Wood in a public 'Bigfoot Believers' Facebook group has got a lot of people talking about if the photo is real or not.

Stephanie posted the photo and a cropped closeup of the 'baby Bigfoot' with the caption: "We know what you're thinking. It's Chaka from Land of the Lost. Our gut reaction to this photo is that it's probably a short person in a costume, maybe a kid, right?

"But after analysing it for a while, we're not so sure anymore.

"Could this be a baby Sasquatch or one of those hairy little people that pop up in reports every now and then, which are described as 'squatchlets'? One thing we know for sure is that the truth is truly stranger than fiction in more cases than not. Chaka or a Squatchlet? You decide."

A composite image of a close-up of 'baby Bigfoot' and the original image posted by Stephanie Wood in a public Bigfoot Believers Facebook groupThe image of a 'baby Bigfoot' posted on Facebook has got a lot of people talking Stephanie Wood, Facebook

One person commented: "Honestly, the deer in the photo make this 99.9 per cent believable. This looks like an adolescent sasquatch I seen in a dream. (Never had a physical sighting but have witnessed / heard signs of sasquatch)"

Another said: "Even the deer are saying WTF?"

"Maybe he was watching the deer and a big one was close to hunt it," said another.

Others weren't so sure.

One said: "That deer in the foreground is bigger than that child in a costume..."

Another commented: "The first sight of these things was a fraud or joke! Why can't you take that as truth along with no real sightings, except for blurry pictures, that are hard to get in this new tech world, and the fact that we capture gorillas in their habitat, why not these?"

"Face is too human," another noted.

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