
Of course there are Pokémon sex toys now because Pokémon Go

Of course there are Pokémon sex toys now because Pokémon Go

Warning, this article is NSFW and will make your soul hurt more than when Ash said goodbye to Butterfree.

Pokémon Go has been a worldwide sensation and so of course the sex industry is cashing in on it.

Presenting Pokémoan, the series of sex toys inspired by the series.

The items, which aren't available from pokémarts or pokéstops, are named 'Bulby', 'Charmy', 'Squirty' and 'Piky', after the generation one starters and ten-year-old Ash's favourites.

Nintendo, obviously, are in no way affiliated to this endeavour, as the site confirmed to Mic.

It's definitely an independent thing.

[Our] products are inspired by geek culture in some way or another, but we are very careful in the way we parody each fandom.


Anyway, if you're looking to get Beedrill'd till your Bulbasaur with a Team Rocket harder than a Metapod as soon as it Pikachu, this might be the Dugtrio for you. Lickitung.

Alternatively, you can keep those two worlds from colliding and keep Pikachu's eyes from screaming.

More: People are actually naming their children after Pokémon

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