Have you ever wonder what it looks like when a python swallows an entire beach towel?
No, us neither. But now, thanks to an incredibly disturbing video that's circulating the internet, we do.
"Monty" the Australian python swallowed an entire beach towel in Sydney. Vets stepped in and, thankfully, managed to pull remove it. Phew.
A spokesperson for Sydney's Small Animal Special Hospital (SASH), the emergency veterinary centre that treated Monty, told Mashable:
The snake ate the towel of her own accord, and she has never done anything like this before.
The owner (Daniel) bought in Monty the day after they suspected she had eaten the entire towel.
In order to extract the towel, vets used a combination of radiographs (to find the towel's location), a flexible endoscope (to see the towel itself), and a lot of anaesthetic.
Monty has recovered really well and she is back to eating as per normal.
Just please, Monty, for all of our sakes, stay away from the beach.
More: Amazing footage captures an octopus changing colour while moving