
The most romantic graph you will see today

Last year a lovestruck IT consultant recorded his own heart rate as he proposed to his partner and posted the results on Reddit.

This year Anthony O'Malley (also known as ao11112) went one better, tricking his fiancée-to-be into wearing a heart rate monitor as he proposed during a hike in Brazil, and posting the resulting graph online.

His now-fiancée Taís, who is originally from Brazil, gave her permission to post the graph on Reddit, and “loved seeing the responses and she loved responding to some of the comments," O’Malley told

"I had showed her the post that gave me the idea so she was all for posting this graph," he added. O’Malley is originally from California and had been planning the proposal for four-to-five months, although did not have the idea for the heart rate monitor until seeing it on Reddit.

He convinced Taís to wear the device by suggesting they each record their heart rates on different hikes and compare them afterwards.

O’Malley recommends other people try and record their partners’ heart rates during proposals, but with one caveat: “Only if you can do it without giving anything away."

He went on: “I am so happy I did it because it is a memory I can keep forever in physical form. I have the graph already printed out and framed so that I can be reminded each and every day of that incredible memory. I can see and feel each peak in heart rate. I can remember every high and exactly when it happened. It is a picture that draws questions and I just love it.”

More: This is what your heart rate looks like when you propose

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