Jessica Brown
Nov 24, 2016

Kacey Montoya/Facebook
Roger LeClair, a veteran of the Second World War, asked for help from his community after his dog Lola, whom he called his ‘best friend’, went missing.
A passerby said a mysterious woman snatched Lola as she lay in LeClair's front yard, saying she was taking her to the vets.
LeClair called his 12-year-old teacup Chihuahua, who only weights one-and-a-half lbs, his ‘one and only’.
In a video reporting the missing dog, American news channel KTLA said the only thing keeping LeClair going was looking at photos of Lola. He said:
For the last week and a half, day and night, when I go to bed I’m thinking about her, I wake up a time or two at night thinking about her. She just the greatest companion.
I just kick myself. She’s laid there so many times, laid in the sun, she loves to lay in the sun.
Everywhere we go, she’s known. If I don’t bring her [the locals] say ‘you can’t come in here without Lola.
Police searched the area, but to no avail. But then someone spotted Lola in a park:
Great news!!!! 93-year-old WWII veteran, Roger Le Clair, has been reunited with his teacup chihuahua LOLA who was taken from his front yard 10 days ago in Downey. This nice woman, who lives in Chino, found Lola at a park in Downey near her sons old school last week and took her home… She didn't want to take her to the shelter and has been waiting to find her owner!!! Friday night, Cynthia's friend saw the post about LOLA on KTLAs Facebook page and called to tell her the good news!!! Cynthia drove LOLA back to Roger today and although he offered her the reward .... she did not take it
Even a local restaurant celebrated Lola’s return:
Proof that 2016 isn't all bad; because God knows we needed it.
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