Chewy's Halloween costumes for pets, 2022
As the owner of six pets – yes, six: three dogs, two cats, and a guinea pig – I'm always on the lookout for fun ways to keep my furry friends entertained and spoiled. That's where my favorite pet-lover's online paradise Chewy and their fantastic array of costumes, toys, and other treats come into play.
When Chewy reached out recently to invite me to a showcase in Manhattan featuring their exciting Halloween and upcoming winter products, I was thrilled. I've been a fan of the company for years and recently fell even more in love with them after several owners reported the kindness they were shown by Chewy when losing a pet. Five out of my six sweeties are seniors, so knowing a company cares enough to reach out and support people like me preparing for the inevitable heartbreak is deeply important – our pets are our family, and family deserves the best.
I was able to push that worry aside, though, as I readied myself and my oldest boy Jasper for our trip to the showcase. We had the run of the place thanks to their generous two-day schedule during which we could show up at any time throughout the day, so J-man was allowed off leash and quickly embarrassed me by tagging a few fixtures while waddling around. Luckily the folks are Chewy are true dog people, i.e. they were prepared for accidents.
The first room was grandiose thanks to a specially built haunted house photo op surrounded by all the tricks and treats Chewy has up for grabs this Halloween. We slipped Jasper into an adorable grandma costume (more on that below) and struck a pose. I grabbed a few more snapshots of him in his new look before letting him roam free once more so I could see everything else on display.
Jasper in his "Walking Grandma" costumeKelsey Chapman
It took three full laps to take in the toy and costumes. I marveled at the creativity and care that had gone into these pieces, and snapped a few pictures and videos so I could remember the items that melted my heart immediately. I've included some highlights below, but it was hard to choose only a few favorites!
In addition to their Halloween delights, an entire section of the showcase was filled to the brim with Christmas, Hanukkah, and other winter goodies up for grabs or coming soon on the Chewy website. Themed treats, toys, sweaters, costumes, and plenty of gifts for pets and their owners were ready to go, so keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming article dedicated to all of those wonderful offerings for the 2022 holiday season. But for now, revel in the onslaught spooky season with me via these pieces that stood out the most for me for Chewy's batch of Halloween 2022 offerings:
Front Walking Granny Dog & Cat Costume
Front Walking Granny Dog & Cat Costume
The try-on wall featured a handful of costumes but this one – THIS one – was the clear winner for me. We snatched one up and stuck it on my eager buddy, Jasper, who didn't even seem to mind the wig that comes with it. He scampered around the showroom proudly, wiggling and charming everyone who watched while clearly enjoying the attention.
Bring this costume home for your own little rascal and prepare for loads of laughs when they come trotting out to show off the granny goods. It's equally funny on cats, too!
Halloween Living Dead Monsters Plush Squeaky Dog Toy, 3 count
Halloween Living Dead Monsters Plush Squeaky Dog Toy, 3 count
My dogs are all seniors now (one is even a super-senior), so it takes a lot for toys to excite them. However, they went wild the second I ripped these open.
They're the perfect size for small to medium mouths and soft without being easy to shred. I wouldn't hand this over to a particularly strong-jawed breed who can tear open a tennis ball, but for anyone with smaller pups who want something as cute to look at as it is pleasing to their pets? Laugh it up with these living dead charmers.
Frisco Bumble Guinea Pig Costume, One Size
Bumble Guinea Pig Costume, One Size
Like most other things on this list, this is utterly ridiculous yet wholly necessary if you're a Halloween fanatic like me. My guinea pig is a pretty docile old guy, so I'm hopeful he'll enjoy this costume for a little while when we have guests over for our annual party.
Disney Hocus Pocus Ride-On Sanderson Sisters Dog & Cat Costume
Hocus Pocus Ride-On Sanderson Sisters Dog & Cat Costume
My next favorite costume was this flying Sanderson sisters cape that no fan of Hocus Pocus can help but swoon over. The simple black top is a comfortable fit for dogs of any size, and the dolls are securely attached via their brooms, grinning widely and ready to charm. This is a great option for dogs who don't love a super ornate or binding costume, and it's sure to please kids of all ages who rewatch Salem's favorite film every year.
Halloween Voodoo Doll Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Halloween Voodoo Doll Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Every time I caught myself saying, "This is the cutest toy I've seen so far," I realized there was no true way to name any one product that. But this one came close!
This larger-than-expected 15-inch doll is made of plush and burlap, with a sturdy finish that can stand up to some wear and tear. Its bewitching features make it tempting to use as seasonal home decor instead of simply a toy for Fido, but your dog will get too much joy for you to keep it all to yourself – unless you buy two, of course.
Front Walking Werewolf Dog & Cat Costume
Front Walking Werewolf Dog & Cat Costume
True to character, this cat costume will have you howling. Your cat may or may not try to rip it off immediately, but it's well worth the photo op you get out of it when their face pokes through that wiry mane of werewolf fluff.
Halloween Haunted Shack Hide and Seek Puzzle Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Halloween Haunted Shack Hide and Seek Puzzle Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Do you ever look at something and think it's so cute, so enchanting, and so utterly delightful that you feel like you might pass out? That's how I felt (and still feel) when I look at this haunted house. It's great for dogs who need the mental stimulation of a puzzle game, and it will be the perfect amount of spooky season cheer to your home. Just look at that ghost peeking out of the window!
Disney Halloween Villains Snow White & the Evil Queen Hide & Seek Puzzle Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Disney Halloween Villains Snow White & the Evil Queen Hide & Seek Puzzle Plush Squeaky Dog Toy
Everything I said about the above haunted house toy qualifies here, too. Even the evil witch is charming beyond belief.
Halloween Magical Wardrobe Interactive Plush Cat Toy with Catnip, 3-count
Halloween Magical Wardrobe Interactive Plush Cat Toy with Catnip, 3 count
If your cats are anything like mine, they need a source of near-constant stimulation to keep them from getting into mischief. This interactive toy provides exactly that and stimulates their senses with catnip and crinkle paper tucked inside the cozy material, offering hours of entertainment that helps them get their daily exercise and ward off the kitty cat blues.
Frisco Vampire Cape Dog & Cat Costume
Vampire Cape
As the owner of an all-black cat named Dracula, it was mandatory I buy this cape. He doesn't mind it and seems to even feel regal while wearing it, and putting it on him is a snap thanks to the velcro closure.
Temptations Creepy Catnip Blissful Catnip Flavor Cat Treats
Temptations Creepy Catnip Blissful Catnip Flavor Cat Treats
My cats are already Temptations devotees, but I have never heard them howl quite so pathetically for any other treat in their lives. Make sure to stock up when you bring these home, because your feline is sure to get hooked on them.
Greenies Scary Berry Blueberry Flavor Teenie Dental Dog Treats, 6-oz bag
Scary Berry Blueberry Flavor Teenie Dental Dog Treats, 6-oz bag
Canine dental health can be precarious, but delicious treats that help cut down on plaque like these Greenies are a great way to keep their pearly whites healthier longer. My three seniors have around 12 teeth combined, but they still manage to gum these tasty morsels down to a nub in no time!