
Manspreading has always been an issue and these vintage transport etiquette posters prove it

Manspreading has always been an issue and these vintage transport etiquette posters prove it

Manspreading is an affliction that plagues many a train carriage.

You know what we’re talking about: a well-dressed gentlemen gets on the train and sits next to you.

Proceeds to spread his legs so wide it’s like he’s got genitalia the size of an elephant's.


Data scientist Mark Skinner attempted to argue that male bodies are designed to do it but his theory was more or less widely accepted as mansplaining.

Because not only is the science fairly ridiculous, but being squished by men overly confident about the size of their genitalia is not a new, “feminazi”–peddled phenomenon.

In fact, an exhibition called 'How I learnt to Stop Spitting and Step Aside in 25 Languages" at New York’s Transit Museum shows just the opposite.

Manspreading has been around for a while you see...

New York City, 1947

And it even crosses continents:

Japan 1975

New York City, 1953 (Sunday Sun)

Tokyo 2012

So the next time you attempt to argue that it's a non-issue, Please remember this article.

And for the love of God keep your legs together.

Photographs courtesy of New York Transport Museum

More: A man told a joke about mansplaining, and then another man mansplained why it was wrong

More: Male scientist tries to justify manspreading, gets accused of mansplaining

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