
Poundland slammed for 'sexist' marshmallows shaped like female body parts

SWNS / Twitter

You’d think shopping at Poundland would be simple and easy. After all, the shop’s intended purpose is literally in its name.

But some customers got more than they bargained for - quite literally - when they came across a slightly rude selection of “novelty” sweets.

The marshmallow bum and the marshmallow breasts have been on sale in selected Poundland brances for 50p. The packaging shows a cartoon of a woman in a bikini alongside the phrase “squidge my cheeks”.

But some customers were quick to complain that the sweets seem inappropriate for children. One Twitter user wrote:

What exactly are you trying to say with these products, Poundland, to the families who come in store?

No sign of any male things to sexually assault. No testicles to grab at? Why do we have candy like this, usually made for children?

She later added:

I know they are marshmallows and I understand that marshmallows aren't 'the end of the world'.

But I also know that sexual objectification is linked to violence and, for companies, profit.

Another Twitter user said:

Poundland, can you explain why on earth you are selling these sexist products?

Have you thought about the impact they might have on women & children reading the packaging?

Speaking to The Sun, a spokesperson from Poundland defended the sweets, saying:

Here at Poundland, we think it's OK that sometimes we don't always get it right for everyone.

Because, frankly it's impossible to do that. Just because someone doesn't like something we do, we also believe that doesn't give them the automatic right to stop us doing it for thousands of other people who like it.

If something's offended you, we won't force you to buy it. It's fine for you to look the other way and ignore it.

H/T: LadBible

More: It's Brexit Britain and Poundland now sells things for more than a pound

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