
The Simpsons troll Trump one last time before the election with 'genius' clip

The Simpsons troll Trump one last time before the election with 'genius' clip

For this year's 'Treehouse of Horror' special, the creators of The Simpsons thought that the 2020 Election was scary enough to open an episode with.

The Halloween-themed episode opens on election day, with Homer deciding who to vote for at a polling booth.

At the beginning of the video, Homer says: "I know who I want for all the judges and propositions – but president? That’s a stumper."

Lisa then walks into the booth, wearing a mask, to confront her father.

She says to him: "You’re hesitating over president. Dad? By all that’s decent, how could you forget everything that’s happened the last four years.”

At first, the only thing Homer can recall is Faye Dunaway announcing the wrong Best Picture at the Oscars in 2017.

Then, shortly after, a long list of Trump doing terrible things scrolls down the screen.

Some examples from the list include Trump calling white supremacists 'fine people', the president putting children in cages and him imitating a disabled reporter.

There are 47 other examples of bad behaviour.

It's clearly a less than subtle swing at Trump right before the election comes to a close.

People thought it was hilarious.

You know it's an important election when even The Simpsons are getting involved.

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