
This lovely cartoon proves everyone has super powers

This lovely cartoon proves everyone has super powers

The gentle, funny comics at have thousands of fans.

Artist behind the site Chris Grady, who bills himself as "half man, half moon monkey, just trying to make sense of it all", told i100 that he started the popular comics a few years ago, as a form of therapy.

One strip in particular has been widely shared by Redditors, proving that while us regular humans may not be able to fly or time travel, we all have super powers.

The majority of Grady's works focuses on the everyday wins and losses of family life.

Others deal with the dichotomy between what we say and what we think or feel.

But all of them are funny.

Grady said that he found comics helped him when he was "overloaded with negative thoughts".

There's no getting away from the fact that life is challenging, Grady said. But it's worth looking for the lighter moments.

In order to be happy we need to focus on the funny.

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