
The malaria drug Trump thinks will cure coronavirus could end up killing more people, study finds

The malaria drug Trump thinks will cure coronavirus could end up killing more people, study finds

Donald Trump’s 'miracle cure' malaria drug was once again proven to be useless – or even less than useless – by a new study.

There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine – a malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the coronavirus – than those who received standard care, according to new research.

While the nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment, according to the Associated Press, it was still the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine "with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19" in 368 virus patients.

Researchers analysed medical records of male veterans hospitalised with coronavirus infection, who died or were discharged by April 11.

About 28 per cent who were given hydroxychloroquine and usual care died, versus 11 per cent of those getting routine care alone, the study found.

This is yet another reason why Trump should not be advocating for hydroxychloroquine treatment. Before this, various studies have shown it has absolutely no benefit, and even the CIA warned of its fatal side effects.

“It’ll be wonderful, it’ll be so beautiful. It’ll be a gift from heaven if it works,” Trump said of the drug earlier this month.

That will not be happening, clearly.

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