
Orange Is the New Black actor discovers what feminism actually means

Actor Matt McGorry plays guard John Bennett in hit Netflix comedy drama Orange Is the New Black, a show lauded for its portrayal of life in a women's prison.

But with International Women's Day approaching, he admitted that until recently he did not know what 'feminism' actually meant, as in its actual dictionary definition.

He wrote on Facebook:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I only recently discovered the ACTUAL definition of "feminism". The fact that the term is sometimes clouded with anything other than pure support and positivity in our society is very tragic. I believe in gender equality. Being a feminist is for both women AND men. I AM A FEMINIST. In for equality? Pass it on.

One person responded to his post, which you can see below, by writing: "Thanks for bringing awareness to a subject that is very misunderstood by so many! Feminists don't hate men and feminists aren't just women!"

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