
A grieving father asked redditors for help - they delivered

A grieving father asked redditors for help - they delivered

When baby Sophia died at just six weeks old, her grieving father Nathen Steffel asked the internet for help.

Sophia had been in hospital for her entire life and her parents had never been able to get a picture of her without tubes attached to her body, so Steffel asked if any reddit users could remove them with photoshop. They more than delivered.

This is this original picture of Sophia

And here are some of the photos reddit users posted





Some of them even drew her


ChangingYang painted over the image itself.

Steffel was overwhelmed, posting:

All I wanted was a nice picture. What I received was a lot of love and support from a bunch of strangers. A long with a lot of great photos, drawings and paintings. Thanks everyone!

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