
BBC weather reporter accidentally mixes up the words 'dogs' and 'joggers' and it didn't end well

BBC weather reporter accidentally mixes up the words 'dogs' and 'joggers' and it didn't end well

There isn't a rule about which words you should and shouldn't say in quick succession on national television but we reckon that if there were, 'dog walking' and 'joggers' would be the first on the list.

BBC weather reporter Carol Kirkwood was left red-faced on Monday morning when she was broadcasting live from Greenwich Park in London on what is set to be another scorching day in the UK. Unfortunately for Kirkwood, she managed to say a word that not many people would expect to hear at 07:58 am on the first morning of the week. She said:

Good morning everybody and Greenwich Park is one of the oldest and enclosed of the Royal parks and look at it; fabulous, the sun is beating down. We've seen lots of doggers. 

Lots of...not doggers, of course, dog walkers and joggers around her through the course of this morning. 

Oh dear.. .luckily for Kirkwood, she took it all in her stride, correcting herself immediately and continuing as if nothing had happened.

But inevitably, it was quickly all over the internet within minutes, reducing everyone to hysterics.

As we said, Kirkwood took it all in her stride but proved that 'dog walkers' and 'joggers' are just two words that shouldn't be in close proximity to each other.

Kirkwood's report comes amid a record-breaking heatwave in the UK with temperatures exceeding 30C for three consecutive days. However, severe thunderstorms have also been forecast which will break the hot spell.

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