
Boxing Day hunts are taking place across the country and people are furious


Fifteen years after the Hunting Act was introduced, Boxing Day hunts are taking place across Britain.

The practice remains extremely controversial, with emotions running high as people continue to debate whether hunting has any place in a modern society. It’s very common for hunts to be interrupted or sabotaged by protestors, but hunters think these people are just ignorant of the realities of rural life.

The Hunting Act came into force almost 700 years after fox hunting first began in England and Wales. It prohibits the chasing of wild animals in England and Wales, including fox hunting, deer hunting, hare hunting, hare coursing and mink hunting.

However, the Act does not completely ban hunting. Drag hunting is still allowed, which involves a pack of hounds following an artificially-laid scent.

Despite this being different, many anti-hunt protesters believe that drag hunting is wrong. There’s also the reality that some hunts flout the ban and kill foxes anyway, hoping not to be caught or reprimanded. The RSPCA has warned that trail hunting is often used as a "smokescreen" for traditional hunting.

Across the UK, hunts are taking place. And on social media, lots of people are furious about it.

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