
Someone bought and filled it with links to sexual assault websites

Someone bought and filled it with links to sexual assault websites has been purchased as a domain name – and not by the Supreme Court judge.

On the website, you won’t find anything official about Kavanaugh. Instead, it links to three websites for sexual assault survivors.

The page banner has the following message:

We believe survivors.

The domain was purchased by an organisation called Fix The Court, which campaigns for transparency in the Supreme Court.

In a statement about the domain name, executive director Gabe Roth wrote:

Three years ago, I bought a handful of URLs that I thought might be useful in any forthcoming Supreme Court confirmation battles. Included were, .org and .net.

Today I am redirecting those three to a landing page with resources for victims of sexual assault.

I believe Dr. Ford. I believe Prof. Hill. I also believe that asking for forgiveness is a sign of maturity and strength, not weakness.

Watching last night’s White House event and listening to the President again cast doubt on veracity of Dr. Ford’s claims, while not hearing a word of contrition from the newest justice, was difficult for many Americans who have experienced sexual misconduct firsthand.

Fix the Court stands with you. We believe you, and we support you. And if you seek additional resources, you can go to

Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment into the highest judicial position in America caused ripples across the country’s political landscape, as three women accused the Supreme Court judge of sexual misconduct.

An FBI investigation that has been criticised as being hasty cleared Kavanaugh of any wrongdoing.

Donald Trump reacted to the initial allegations by casting doubt on the testimonies of the women who came forward, and his response has led to an ongoing public conversation about the importance of believing victims, especially women - who are disproportionally affected by sexual assault.

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