Indy100 Staff
Dec 09, 2016
On a quiet Thursday night on Twitter, Col Talbot uploaded a photo of his son eating a Cadbury's chocolate Santa Claus.
With all the wrapping on, they look a bit like this:
But Talbot noticed that once the wrapping was taken off, from a certain angle at least, the chocolate figurine looked altogether rather... different.
He tweeted his findings to Cadbury:
There was some mixed reaction:
Some people just didn't know what to say:
Others invoked the Lord:
Some people swore:
Others called for an investigation:
It's not the first disrobed St Nicholas to look quite phallic:
But any word from Cadbury? An (admittedly, slightly bemused) Talbot told indy100:
Haha, no Cadbury's haven't replied.
On the response his photo provoked, Talbot added:
You get the odd person taking it too seriously. At the end of he day it's a picture of chocolate Father Christmas taken at an unfortunate angle.
Does he think the chocolate company will be changing its moulds? Will there be a campaign?
I doubt it.
And a Merry Christmas to all.
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