
Kellogg's changes 'sexist' Coco Pops slogan after receiving complaint letter from 10 year-old girl


The saying “one voice can change the world” might sound cliché, but every so often something happens to prove that it’s actually true.

Sometimes it’s the youngest among us who notice things that aren’t right. This week, cereal maker Kellogg's has changed the slogan it uses for Coco Pops after a 10 year-old girl labelled it “sexist".

Hannah-Marie Clayton saw that the brand was using the slogan “loved by kids, approved by mums” on the chocolate flavoured cereal. She immediately noticed that it erases dads and could also upset children who don’t have a mum around.

So she responded the only way she knew how: by writing a letter.

After telling Kellogg's about how her dad makes her cereal every morning, the company has responded to say that it will be changing the slogan to: “loved by kids, approved by parents”.

This subtle change brings the brand into 2018 and is instantly more inclusive.

Hannah-Marie, from Bournemouth, said:

My mum was away so I was just with my dad when I saw it on the cereal box.

It made me think that dads should be included as well because they are important too.

Also, some people don't have a mum and they might find it upsetting.

In her letter she wrote:

 I feel that quote is sexist, men are also able to make breakfast. My dad does it a lot for me because my mum works away a lot and is not always there for breakfast.

I would recommend instead of putting 'mums', put parents or carers. It would just mean a small change. In this world today we shouldn't just rely on women.

A Kellogg's spokesperson said:

We have now changed the wording on our new Coco Pops packs to say 'approved by parents'.

We agree with Hannah-Marie, dads love to have Coco Pops too.

Hannah Marie follows in famous footsteps. The newly anointed Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle has spoken in the past about challenging sexist advertising as a young girl.

H/T: LadBible

More: 11-year-old Meghan Markle wrote a letter to change a sexist advert. The company listened

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