Narjas Zatat
Aug 12, 2018
Denmark introduced legislation that bans Islamic face coverings, resulting in protest across the country.
Men and women are criticising the ban, which imposes a fine of 1,000 kroner (£119) on anyone wearing garments that hide their face, as Islamophobia, and are taking to the streets.
A Danish fashion designer was one of many to speak out against the ban. Iranian-born Reza Etamadi showcased models wearing niqabs and hijabs alongside police officers in a show of support for women’s right to wear the religious attire.
Niqabs are the Muslim item of clothing that shows the eyes, while burqas are full-face coverings.
She said: ‘I have a duty to support all women’s freedom of speech and freedom of thought.'
[The new law is in violation of] the free choice we in the Western world are known for and proud to have.
One woman has already been fined under the new law. A 28-year-old woman was fined after fighting with a woman who was trying to remove her niqab.
Etamadi is just one of many men and women who have responded to the ban by attending organised protests across the country.
Sky reports that women wearing the niqabs gathered outside a police station in the capital to protest the law. Other people wearing masks and animal costumes also showed up in support of the women, and to make fun of the legislation.
One Muslim women, Sabina, who wears the niqab told Sky:
I see it [the niqab] as part of my faith and now it has also become a part of my identity. Which is why I feel so strongly about it.
Thousands of protesters gathered in Copenhagen. Muslim Student Hanni Ali said:
It’s a discriminating law. It’s an absurd law. It’s a law that doesn’t make sense in practise.
Rasmus Nordkvist, spokesperson for the Alternative Part added:
The consequences of when we do legislation like we have done now…is that we actually limiting our freedoms our liberal freedom rights to dress like we want. It’s a really dangerous step to take with this law….what is next?
More: Rowan Atkinson has come out in support of Boris Johnson's controversial burka comments
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