
Woman with depression explains little known symptom in viral Twitter thread

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In recent years, issues to do with mental health have got more and more coverage in the media. Stigma surrounding mental illness has begun to break down, and diverse people are joining in the conversation.

Celebrities and high profile figures as diverse as Prince Harry and Stephen Fry have openly discussed their battles with various mental health afflictions, in a bid to help others that are suffering.

A mental health issue that's not always well understood, even today, however, is depression. The common consensus is that depression saps people's energy, and makes them feel sad, but what about the more nuanced manifestations of the illness?

According to NHS online, other less known symptoms can include hopelessness, low self-esteem, anxiety, loss of motivation, and even suicidal thoughts.

However, one depression sufferer, and Twitter user, has used the social media platform to highlight another of the disease's lesser-known symptoms.

One of these is, as she calls it, 'The Impossible Task'.

Author M. Molly Backes explained what it's like in a viral string of tweets.

It could be anything, no matter how mundane the task sounds.

And it doesn't have to be something difficult.

It probably manifests itself in a self sabotaging interior monologue, too.

It can also shift. Sometimes it's the dishes that are an issue, other times it's answering an email.

She also offered advice to those suffering from the 'impossible task', on how to deal with it. Quite simply, be kind to yourself.

Be kind to others that have depression, too. No matter how small the gesture, it could mean the world to the person on the receiving end.

Finally, if you have suffered from an 'Impossible Task', try to see the positives. It teaches you depths of empathy you wouldn't otherwise have access to.

Many other social media users responded with messages of support and empathy.

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