
Donald Trump Jr owned himself after sharing a meme of Democrat congresswomen not wearing US flag pin

Donald Trump Jr owned himself after sharing a meme of Democrat congresswomen not wearing US flag pin

We can think of a few people whose lives would be better off if they didn't have Twitter, and Donald Trump Jr is definitely one of them.

The son of the president isn't exactly the smartest user of the social media platform ever, and has an uncanny ability to consistently embarrass himself.

His latest effort in self-owning comes after Trump Jr shared a meme featuring Democratic congresswomen at the State of the Union address.

The image, which features the likes of Nancy Pelosi, points out that none of the women in the picture are wearing an American flag pin on their jackets or blouses.

Trump Jr added a caption to the tweet reading: "Speaks for itself and no one is at all surprised."

What Trump Jr was trying to allude to here is open to interpretation, but he should really have a look through his Twitter history before posting memes of this nature.

In the comments to the tweet, users began to reference an image of he and his fellow Trump siblings and their other halves before the State of the Union, where the American flag was suspiciously missing.

It didn't get much better for the 41-year-old, as people began to point out that patriotism doesn't isn't really represented by a metal badge on someone's lapel.

Also, should anyone be taking patriotism lessons from the Trumps?

We should probably cut Trump Jr some slack as it looked like he wasn't allowed into his daddy's office yesterday.

HT Someecards

More: Donald Trump Jr faces backlash after sharing a 'transphobic' meme on Instagram

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