
Everyone is saying 'sh**hole' on television because of Donald Trump

CNN/David Mack/Twitter

You may have noticed in the news today that Donald Trump allegedly used a swear word to describe a number of countries.

It has been reported by Washington Post that the President used the term "sh**hole countries" to describe immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and parts of Africa during a meeting.

Mr Trump has since taken to Twitter to say that the language in the meeting was "tough, but this was not the language used".

The alleged remarks have sparked a furious backlash against Trump from residents of the nations that he offended.

The comments themselves have also caused a dilemma in newsrooms across the globe this morning.

Can you actually say sh**hole on TV or radio?

The BBC has already chosen to go ahead and say the word out loud, even at 8:05 in the morning.

CNN, who aren't Trump's favourite news outlet, was also stuck in a bind over whether to say the word or not.

Initially, they had it censored but after a few minutes, they revealed the offensive word.

David Mack of BuzzFeed captured this transition from CNN and shared it on Twitter.

More: 9 of Donald Trump's weirdest habits

More: This is what swearing says about you

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