Lowenna Waters
Aug 09, 2018

Chris Donohoe / Facebook
A man has claimed that he was kicked out of a Las Vegas pool party because his swimming trunks were 'too gay'.
Chris Donohoe was partying at the Encore Beach Club at Wynn Las Vegas on Saturday when he was approached by security.
Donohoe was wearing a $98 pair of Mr Tusk bright yellow briefs, and was told by management that he'd have to leave unless he covered up.
Taking to Facebook in a now deleted post, The Huffington Post reports he said:
I was made to leave the pool for wearing a Mr. Turk bathing suit that they said was not ‘in integrity’ with the brand of the pool party.
In other words, I was kicked out for being a gay man wearing a bathing suit that was just a little too gay for the Beach Club Encore Las Vegas to tolerate.
On the company's website, the dress code states:
Dress to impress, no baggy clothing, jeans, or basketball shorts. Pool attire is required to enter the venue.
They also list 'proper swimming attire' as 'swimsuits', which Donohoe was wearing.
According to Donohoe, he was approached by five to seven security guards as he talked to the general manager of the beach club, and it quickly turned into a public scene.
Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle, he said:
I did not know that I could be made to feel so ashamed and so humiliated. I haven’t felt that way in years.
They told me I needed to cover up or leave the pool.
He continued:
Ten minutes before I was removed from the pool, two men who were guests were walking past me, pointing and laughing.
I let it roll off my back, I’m used to that thing happening. … It didn’t seem worth it. … Within ten minutes, I was removed from the pool, it later came out that the security guard told us, ‘I don’t give a shit what you wear but we had a complaint.
Donohoe also posted a video of the altercation to his Facebook account, which has also been deleted since. In the video, Pink News reports that he said:
As far as I understand the policy is no Speedos, and this is not a Speedo.
The member of staff responds by saying that the costume goes against the “dress code policy” of the pool party, and is not “in integrity” with Encore Beach Club brand.
When Donohoe accuses the employee of making him leave because he’s gay, the member of staff responds: “Sir this has nothing to do with your sexual preference.”
Donohoe's experience isn't the first instance of alleged homophobia to have occurred at Encore Beach Club.
Another man, Juan Casado, also said that he'd faced discrimination at the club when he attempted to pole dance on a podium inside one of the swimming pools.
In a now deleted Facebook post, Casado alleges that a security guard told him he wasn't allowed on the podium because it was only for 'women'.
According to the Huffington Post, he then wrote:
I saw your post and I just want to say that I have been [discriminated against] there as well. Not for being gay (even though I am) but the double standard of being male or female.
Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle, CMO of Wynn Resorts Michael Weaver said:
In order to maintain a five-star experience, Wynn Las Vegas requests that guests adhere to certain dress code policies throughout the resort.
In the Encore Beach Club, we had a policy, clearly posted at the entrance, which prohibited Speedos.
Upon receiving a guest complaint, we reviewed the policy and have changed it.
The new policy will allow Speedos, but will prohibit risqué and indecent swimwear for both men and women.
We will include the new policy on entry signage, as well as the club website, in order to help guests plan appropriately and enjoy a welcoming environment.
Weaver also apologised to Donohoe:
We apologise to the guest who was affected by our previous policy.
Regarding LGBTQ+ guests, our policy has been clear and consistent for years: Wynn welcomes and appreciates all of our LGBTQ+ guests.
Decisions to enforce policies are solely based on guest behavior, or in this case, attire.
We have always and will continue to apply attire policies equally to all of our guests, regardless of sexual orientation.
indy100 has contacted Wynn Las Vegas for comment
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