
Everyone is relating to this simple story about a paper clip

Twitter / @CiaraTobin

There is something utterly beguiling about having a messy bedroom. Like, sure it's a mess but it's your mess.

Even if the room looks like a pig sty you'd at least hope that you know where everything is should you happen to need something at a later date.

Maybe that something is a paper clip, which is exactly what Riley Bassett's girlfriend, Ciara Tobin needed a few days ago.

Ciara, who is a 20-year-old student at the University of Florida, messaged Riley to see if he happened to have said piece of stationery.

Riley replied with a very specific image, which soon went viral and everyone who has ever had a messy bedroom could relate.

People loved Riley's hilarious honesty and many of the replies were just as amusing.

Some women who saw the tweet actually began to question their gender because of it.

People then began to look deeper into the photo and found several other things to crack a joke about.

When speaking to BuzzFeed Ciara revealed that Riley isn't usually messy and is a fairly organised person.

She said:

He's typically a pretty organised person, so I think that it's funny that even when he's messy he's organised.

When Riley saw the tweet he reportedly didn't find it funny as he thought it was the most rational thing to do.

He told BuzzFeed:

I don't have any paper clips and someone gave me that one.

I was leaving my room in a hurry and dropped it and remembered where it was because it was my only one.

HT BuzzFeed

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