
Greta Thunberg says we should give a 'real sarcastic clap' for the companies destroying the world


The climate change activist Greta Thunberg has spoken out about people clapping for healthcare workers, and thinks that 'sarcastic slow clap' should also be given to the companies destroying the planet.

With social distancing and stay-at-home measures in place, the only way that members of the public have been able to show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of health services around the world is by joining in with mass rounds of applause.

So far, those have been a rousing success but some cynicism has begun to arise as health workers around the world continue to put their safety at risk but without any significant pay rise insight.

Meanwhile, companies that still profit from harming mankind and the planet are still making money and this is what has angered the Swedish activist who was last year named Time person of the year.

Over on Twitter, Thunberg said that people should carry on applauding health care workers but that a special clap should be reserved for the companies still causing harm.

Much like the clap for Boris Johnson and singing happy birthday to the Queen, we're not sure that Thunberg's 'sarcastic slow clap' will actually catch on but it would be quite the sight to behold.

Thunberg's tweet coincides with Earth Day on 22 April which intends to demonstrate the need for environmental protection. In addition, Thunberg's organisation Fridays for Future have also released a powerful new advert called 'Our House is on Fire' where a family go about their usual morning routine but appear oblivious to the fact that their home is in flames.

It's a visceral advert and more prevalent than ever.

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