Louis Dor
Apr 10, 2017

Neil Hall - WPA Pool/Getty Images
Labour has been in a bit of a policy flurry the past week.
Last Thursday they unveiled a plan to make school dinners free for all primary school pupils. The move would be paid for by introducing VAT on private school fees.
On Monday, they announced a new policy commitment to raising the legal minimum wage to at least £10 an hour by 2020. The Green Party noted that this policy was far from new and had been in their 2015 general election manifesto.
Two policies in five days? These numbers may show why there's a sudden burst of activity.
Lord Ashcroft polling has found that the general public believes Labour has the best approach to only two of twelve major issues in UK politics.
55 per cent of voters believed Theresa May was the best Prime Minister, compared to only 18 per cent for Jeremy Corbyn. 27 per cent said 'Don't know'.
In addition, when asked to rate the performance of politicians, where zero means 'terrible' and 100 means 'excellent', these were the results:
HT Adam Payne
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