Narjas Zatat
Oct 11, 2016

Picture: The Daily Show/ Screengrab
A tape of Donald Trump making lewd remarks about women surfaced on Friday, and elicited backlash from people all over the world, including some of his very own Republicans.
In the three minute Access Hollywood recording, Trump can be heard saying he tried to ‘”move” to a married woman, that he tried to “f—k her” and failed.
It wasn’t the vulgar nature of the comments, as much as the implications about sexual assault that made people angry:
And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p---y. You can do anything.
Trump took to Twitter and issued somewhat of an apology:
He went on to call his words nothing more than “locker room talk”

Joking about touching women without their permission is just "locker room talk". Nothing to get upset over. Certainly nothing to warrant his stepping down as Republican presidential candidate…
Then The Daily Show unearthed a clip from the Apprentice in 2010:
A contestant called Maria was criticised for talking about another contestant's toilet habits. Trump said:
Maria do you sort of regret having said that? Isn’t it gross? Isn’t it sort of gross though, bringing that up? It’s like disgusting. This is my board room. It is not a locker room.
And then he fired her.
His campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway really ought to start paying attention.
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