Louis Staples
Feb 18, 2019

We all know the saying "all publicity is good publicity", but a press release which went viral for all the wrong (or right, depending on your outlook) reasons may have just proved this once and for all.
The press release in question was sent to journalists to promote Meghan Trainor's new EP. The email was jam-packed full millennial slang which, at points, didn't appear to make any sense.
If you don't believe us, here's a snippet, which reads like it was written by a bot pretending to be a teenager.
If your brain hasn't exploded, let's take a dive in. An appropriate place to start would be the sentence about Billboard being "wet" for one of Trainor's songs. It's a sentence we at indy100 never thought we'd publish, but it just goes to show that, in 2019, anything is possible.
We're eagerly anticipating a biopic, starring Meryl Streep speaking in four accents, about how this press release came to be.
Naturally, people had some thoughts about it. It's fair to say the internet is pretty scarred.
H/T: Someecards
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