
Brexit: Michael Gove urges people to 'hunt for gold in others' rubbish' and everyone made the same joke

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images/Twitter

Michael Gove, a man full of great ideas, who doesn't believe in experts, believes that one of the best solutions to help people is to literally sift through rubbish.

In a piece with The Sunday Times, the Tory MP proposes that councils around the country open all their waste sites so that people can basically have a look around them and take what they want.

Fancy an old television? Discarded kitchen appliances? An empty can of paint? Rotting food? Then the world is your oyster.

According to the Times report, Gove is a fan of the Charles Dickens novel 'Our Mutual Friend' which focuses on a family who becomes rich by searching through other people's rubbish.

Now we've got nothing against fanaticising on a Dickensian world where miracles can happen but was this really the dream that people voted for when they popped an X in 'Leave' box on June 23 2016?

Probably not and a lot of people are pointing out the obvious problem in Gove's vision:

We literally can't remember reading 'find stuff you need in a rubbish tip' on the side of that bus.

It appears that Gove has a bit of experience when it comes to looking through waste.

Here he is in 1992 having a look through a bin bag that apparently belongs to David Attenborough.

So, that's Brexit for you. We're stockpiling adequate amounts of food and one of the blokes that convinced everyone to vote 'Leave' now wants you to rummage through waste sites to find a new pair of trainers.

March 29, 2019 can't come round soon enough.

More: Michael Gove said graduates should 'pay something back' and people are not happy about it

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