
Parkland students ask people to stop sharing video of school shooter Nikolas Cruz

Bryan Bedder / Stringer / Getty

Students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas school in Parkland, where shooter Nikolas Cruz opened fire in February, are furious that a new video of the shooter has been released.

Prosecutors have released the footage to prove the shooting was pre-meditated in a bid to get Cruz prosecuted for first degree murder, which can carry a death sentence.

On 14 February, Cruz entered Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida with an AR-15 assault rifle that he obtained legally, and opened fire, killing 15 students, two teachers, and wounding a further 17.

In one of the videos, Cruz sounds excited and joyful as he explains his plan:

Hello. My name is Nik and I'm going to be the next school shooter of 2018.

My goal is at least 20 people with an AR-15. Location is Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida.

It's going to be a big event.

And when you see me on the news, you'll know who I am.

Cruz then starts laughing and makes gunshot noises:

You're all going to die. Can't wait.

However, many students that were present when the shooting took place are horrified that the video is being promoted. Spearheaded by gun law activist Emma Gonzales, they spoke of how the video was triggering them, and how promoting it was giving Cruz exactly what he wanted.

Taking to Twitter, Gonzalez said:

I've been off Twitter for a couple days. First thing I see when I log back in is the person who killed my friends. Please do us a favor and Listen to us when we say we don’t want his F*****g Face plastered everywhere we look, thank you have a good night because none of us will be.

Other students were vocal in condemning the video's release.

Emma Gonzalez has come to represent the anti-gun movement in the United States through her lobbying and campaigning.

The 18-year-old now has more Twitter followers than the National Rifle Association, and was recognised in the Time 100 as one of 2018's most influential people.

More: Parents of Parkland shooting victims are horrified by new video game where players can shoot up school

More: Teens are responding to gun violence by sharing what they'll miss if they die in a school shooting

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