
No one in Europe is happy with their governments

(Picture: Getty
(Picture: Getty

These are the latest net approval ratings for a selection of European governments, as polled by YouGov.

Not exactly all smiles, then.

In fact, it has been a long while since any of these countries' governments have experienced net approval.

Apart from a one month peak of -fanfare sounds-one per cent for Denmark in June 2015, the last sustained period for any of these countries was between October 2013 and April 2014 in Norway, following a general election.

Net approval since beginning of 2012

In addition, these are all countries which are generally satisfied with the EU.

With the exception of Britain, all have stayed in net approval for remaining in the EU since the beginning of 2014, when asked how they'd vote in a referendum.

Net stay vote for EU referendum in country

Basically, no one in Europe seems happy, and it's not the EU's fault.

More:The UK is the most unequal country in the EU

More:Support for EU membership at highest level for 23 years

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