Greg Evans
Feb 12, 2019
Yesterday the GOP unveiled a new slogan which they hope will win over the masses and secure a second term for the Trump administration.
That slogan? 'We're only getting stronger together' which was something that Trump said during his rally in El Paso, Texas.
Whoever is running the GOP's social media channels liked the saying so much that they made a smart graphic and tweeted it out.
It's unclear whether this will be used in the 2020 campaign or if it's just a snazzy new social media graphic for their fans to share.
However, there is one small problem with this. It's almost the exact same phrase that Trump's sworn enemy Hillary Clinton used in the 2016 presidential campaign.
The slogan 'Stronger Together' was front and centre of every Clinton campaign rally and was even the name of a book written by her running mate Sen. Tim Kaine.
People were very quick to notice this and began trolling the GOP for this massive oversight.
Even Hillary was alerted to it and sent out a tweet asking them to copy her plan for 'health care, a fairer tax system and voting rights.'
Jesse Ferguson, a former deputy national press secretary for Clinton echoed the confusion.
Yet in a statement given to The Hill, the Republican National Committee spokesperson Steve Guest, believed that the GOP had every right to use the slogan.
When you lose your campaign, you lose your monopoly on any slogans.
As we saw at his packed rally, President Trump continues to unite the American people behind his pro-border security agenda
HT The Hill
More: Hillary Clinton shares 2016 presidential debate video and calls Trump a 'puppet'

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