
'Run, hide, tell', says the government's new advice video in the event of a Paris-style terror attack

The government has released an advice video showing what people should do in the event of a Paris-style terror attack.

The video, released this week by the National Counter Terrorism Policing Security Office (NCTP), suggests anyone caught up in an attack should try to “escape if you can”.

Encourage others to leave with you, the 'Stay Safe' video says, and leave your belongings behind.

If escape isn't possible, the advice is to hide, put your mobile phone on silent and stay away from doors or windows in case of gunfire.

When police arrive, you should tell them what you know about what is going on, and be wary that at first they may not be able to distinguish you from an attacker.

Neil Basu, Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the NCTP, says in the video:

The probability of being caught up in a firearms or weapons attack is very, very small.

However, it is important the public know what to do in the event of getting caught up in such an incident.

The advice was first published in document form on the government's website last month in the wake of the Isis terror attacks across Paris that left more than 130 dead.

The current terror threat level in the UK is 'severe', meaning an attack is 'highly likely'.

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