Jake Hall
Aug 04, 2018

Photo: Kevin Hagen / Getty Images
It's a well-known fact that not all heroes wear capes.
Instead, some heroes scale famous monuments in daring acts of protest against cruel immigration policies.
One such hero is Therese Patricia Okoumou, the woman who made international headline news on July 4th for climbing the Statue of Liberty and refusing to descend until families ripped apart at the US border were reunited.
Her act of bravery earned her a series of charges including trespassing, interference with a government agency and disorderly conduct.
The New York Postreports that Okoumou could face up to 18 months in prison, but she remains undeterred – and even used her first court appearance to make a statement about Melania Trump's controversial ‘I Really Don’t Care, Do U?’ jacket.
In her own take on the slogan, Okoumou spray-painted a green dress with the words:
I really care. Why won't u? Be best.
“Be Best” is the title of Melania Trump's famous campaign which, ironically, promises to protect the “social, emotional and physical health” of children.
The New York Post also reported that Okoumou shouted a chant after her appearance, which denounced the country's history:
America, you mother-f--kers! You drug addicts! You KKK! You fascist USA.
The statement was reported as an “anti-American chant”, language which Okoumou addressed on Twitter by telling the publication to “get real, p***y-grabbers – and talk about the issue.”
Naturally, Okoumou's willingness to speak out has earned her widespread praise from fellow activists, many of whom initially heaped scorn on Melania after she wore the insensitive jacket after paying a surprise visit to child migrants on the US-Mexico border.
President Trump has since promised to reunite families, but reports state that he failed to do so before the court-ordered deadline.
More recently, he has attempted to absolve himself of accountability by stating that non-profit organisations such as the ACLU should be stepping in to remedy his self-inflicted immigration crisis. He was quickly admonished by a judge, who claimed the responsibility lay entirely with the government.
Reports also claim that $17 million initially intended for an HIV program had to be diverted in order to remedy the devastation caused by ICE, proving that the work of activists like Okoumou is still incredibly necessary.
A GoFundMe – which has already met its target – has been launched to cover Okoumou's legal fees.
She will return to court in October.
More: 200 years of immigration to the USA in one amazing map
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