Over the last few days, lots of Tory MPs have celebrated the fact that period products are now no longer classed as “luxury, non-essential items” and taxed at 5 per cent.
This follows Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s pledge to remove the “tampon tax” in March’s budget.
People have pointed out that many of the Tory MPs currently celebrating scrapping the tax – including Sunak himself and Brexiteers like Steve Baker who are claiming the move as a “Brexit win” – actually voted against abolishing the hated tax in 2015.
But another person to have a moment in the spotlight was radio presenter Adam Garrie, who took exception to the cartoon which accompanied the government’s announcement that the tax would be abolished.
Despite the near-universal positive reaction to the tax being scrapped, and the uncontroversial nature of the cartoon of a tampon being used to depict it, radio presenter Adam Garrie tweeted that the image was “obscene”.
Naturally, people on Twitter thought this was, err, a little bit of an overreaction. After all, what’s obscene about a tampon cartoon?
As it so often does, the internet responded accordingly…
Perhaps what’s more “obscene” is basic health products being labelled “obscene”?